
GDA Nursing Class Notes 16


A sphygmomanometer is a medical device used to measure blood pressure. It consists of an inflatable cuff to collapse and then release the artery under the cuff in a controlled manner, and a manometer (pressure gauge) to measure the pressure. Blood pressure is typically expressed in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and is recorded as two numbers: systolic pressure (the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats) and diastolic pressure (the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest between beats). Sphygmomanometers are essential tools in diagnosing and monitoring conditions related to blood pressure, such as hypertension (high blood pressure) and hypotension (low blood pressure). They come in various types, including manual and electronic/digital models, and are commonly used in healthcare settings as well as for home monitoring.


Un glucomètre, également appelé lecteur de glycémie ou glycémomètre, est un dispositif médical utilisé pour mesurer la concentration de glucose (sucre) dans le sang. Il est principalement utilisé par les personnes atteintes de diabète pour surveiller leur glycémie régulièrement. Le glucomètre fonctionne en prélevant une petite quantité de sang, généralement à partir d’une goutte obtenue en perforant la peau avec une petite aiguille appelée lancette. Cette goutte de sang est ensuite appliquée sur une bandelette réactive spéciale, qui est insérée dans le glucomètre.


An IV stand, also known as an intravenous stand or infusion stand, is a medical device used in healthcare settings to support and hold intravenous (IV) fluid bags, medication containers, and other equipment necessary for delivering fluids or medications directly into a patient’s bloodstream. IV stands are designed to be adjustable in height and often have hooks, hangers, or slots for attaching IV bags or bottles securely.


Intravenous (IV) fluids are sterile fluids that are administered directly into a patient’s veins through an intravenous line (IV line). They are used to provide hydration, deliver medications, electrolytes, and nutrients, and maintain the body’s fluid and electrolyte balance. IV fluids are commonly used in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and ambulatory care, to treat a wide range of conditions and situations.


An intravenous (IV) set, also known as an IV administration set or infusion set, is a medical device used to deliver fluids, medications, or blood products directly into a patient’s bloodstream through an intravenous line (IV line). The IV set consists of various components designed to facilitate the safe and controlled delivery of fluids


A cannula (plural: cannulae or cannulas) is a thin, flexible tube that is inserted into a body cavity or blood vessel for various medical purposes. Cannulae come in different sizes and designs to serve specific functions, and they are commonly used in healthcare settings for tasks like administration of fluids, extraction of fluids, and medical procedures.


A syringe is a medical device used to inject fluids into or withdraw fluids from the body. It consists of a cylindrical barrel, a plunger, and a nozzle. Syringes are commonly used for various medical purposes, including administering medications, vaccines, drawing blood for tests, and delivering fluids during medical procedures.


It seems like there might be a typo or a misunderstanding in your query. It’s possible that you meant “blood vials” instead of “blood vails.” A blood vial is a small, sealed container used to collect, store, and transport blood samples for laboratory testing and analysis. Blood vials are an essential part of the diagnostic process in healthcare, as they allow medical professionals to assess a wide range of health conditions by examining the components present in the blood.


Sutures, commonly known as stitches, are medical devices used to close wounds or incisions in the body. They are used to hold the edges of a wound together until the healing process is complete. Sutures are an integral part of various medical procedures, including surgeries, wound repair, and other treatments that involve cutting the skin or tissues.


Gauze refers to a thin, woven fabric that is commonly used in medical settings for various purposes, including wound care, cleaning, and as a protective barrier. Gauze is made from fibers such as cotton, polyester, or a combination of materials. It comes in different forms and types, each with specific uses in healthcare.


“Gamjee” or “Gamgee” is a term often used to refer to absorbent cotton or cotton wool that is used in medical settings for wound dressing, padding, and cleaning. It’s named after Joseph Sampson Gamgee, a 19th-century British surgeon who was known for his contributions to surgical techniques and wound management.


Dressing tray

A dressing tray is a sterile setup used in healthcare settings for wound care and dressing changes. It contains a collection of sterile medical instruments and supplies necessary for cleaning, preparing, and dressing wounds. These instruments are carefully selected to ensure aseptic technique and proper wound management.

Kidney tray

A kidney tray, also known as a kidney dish, is a shallow, kidney-shaped medical utensil or container used in healthcare settings for various purposes, primarily during medical procedures or examinations. It is typically made of stainless steel, plastic, or other materials that can be easily cleaned and sterilized. The shape of the tray allows it to fit comfortably against the body, making it useful for catching fluids or materials.


A gallipot, also known as a pillbox or ointment pot, is a small, shallow container typically made of ceramic, glass, or plastic. It is used in medical and pharmaceutical settings to hold and store small quantities of medicines, ointments, creams, powders, or other medical substances. Gallipots have been used historically and continue to be used in modern healthcare, often for compounding medications or organizing small quantities of medical supplies.

Suture scissor

Suture scissors, also known as suture removal scissors, are a type of medical instrument designed specifically for cutting sutures or stitches. They are used to safely and precisely remove sutures from the skin once a wound has sufficiently healed. Suture scissors are an essential tool in wound care and are commonly found in medical and clinical settings.


Forceps are medical instruments designed for grasping, holding, and manipulating various objects within the body during medical procedures. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each suited to a specific purpose. Forceps are commonly used in surgeries, medical examinations, and other medical interventions. They play a crucial role in providing precision and control during procedures.

Needle holder

A needle holder, also known as a needle driver, is a surgical instrument used to grasp and manipulate surgical needles during various medical procedures. Needle holders are an essential tool in surgical settings, allowing surgeons and other healthcare professionals to securely hold needles while suturing or stitching tissues. These instruments are designed to provide a firm grip on the needle, enabling precise control and accurate suturing.


An artery is a type of blood vessel that carries oxygen-rich blood away from the heart and distributes it throughout the body’s tissues and organs. Arteries are part of the circulatory system and play a critical role in maintaining the supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells while removing waste products.