Spoken English Class Test

Spoken English Class Test 2

Welcome to your Past Perfect Tense

1) What is the form of the sentence in past perfect tense?

2) By the time I __________ (arrive) at the party, everyone __________ (leave). Fill in the blank with the blanks with past perfect tense.

3) I _________ (not, visit) this town before today. Fill the blank with past perfect tense.

4) She _______ (cook) food before I came. Fill the blank with past perfect tense.

5) I _______ (reach) the station before the train ______ (arrive). Fill the blank with appropriate past perfect tense.

6) She __________ (read) the book before watching the movie adaptation. Fill the blank with past perfect tense.

7) I _____ (meet) him before he left the country. Fill the blank with past perfect tense.

8) Before going to bed, he __________ (finish) all his homework. Fill in the blank with past perfect tense.

9) After Tom ______ (finish) his work, he _____ (go) to dinner. Fill the blank with appropriate past perfect tense.

10) He said he __________ (never see) a shooting star until that night. (past perfect tense)

11) Patient _____ (die) before the doctor came. Fill with past perfect tense.

12) Bob _____ (meet) her before the party begun. (past perfect tense)

13) She is reading a book. Is this an example of past perfect tense?

14) He went to the store. It is an example of past perfect tense.

15) She _____ (write) a novel on humanity. (past perfect tense)

16) ____ the snake _____ on his leg? (bite : past perfect tense)

17) Have you heard about that company before? It is an example of past perfect tense.

18) Had John came to the wedding party yesterday? It is an example of past perfect tense.

19) You ____ already _____ the rules of our organization. (read : past perfect tense)

20) The cloth ______ (fly) high on the sky. (past perfect tense)

21) She left her puppy on the road. (Change the sentence into negative past perfect tense.)

22) She _____ (do) his homework yesterday. (past perfect tense)

23) We played game yesterday. (Change the sentence into past perfect tense)

24) Before the storm hit, the children __________ (play) in the park. (past perfect tense)

25) She ______ (wear) a beautiful dress at the party. (past perfect tense)

26) I was surprised when I found out that someone __________ (eat) all the cookies I had baked. (past perfect tense)

27) Mary _____ (give) me Jack's address before she left. (past perfect tense)

28) Koushika watched TV after she _____ (have) lunch. (past perfect tense)

29) The movie had already started when we __________ (get) to the cinema. (past perfect tense)

30) Players _____ (try) their best. (past perfect tense)

31) Amit and Rohan _____ (not, do) a good job. (past perfect tense)

32) Only 10 students _____ (attend) today's class. (past perfect tense)

33) They had never traveled by train before, so they __________ (feel) a bit nervous. (past perfect tense)

34) A rich man has helped the poor. ; is an example of past perfect tense

35) My father is teaching in class. (Change into past perfect tense)

36) Ram has insulted Soham in the class. (Change into past perfect tense)

37) You _____ (sleep) in the classroom. (past perfect tense)

38) Rina _____ (make) the ornaments. (past perfect tense)

39) My mother has cooked food for me. Is this a past perfect tense?

40) We _____ (practice) math before I started school. (past perfect tense)

41) The cat goes into my room while we ate dinner; is an example of past perfect tense.

42) Our art teacher _____ (paint) a beautiful landscape before the rain started. (past perfect tense)

43) We _____ (eat) turkey, smashed potatoes, and gravy before dessert. (past perfect tense)

44) She _____ (not, ride) a horse before that day.

45) The waiter brought a drink that I ______ (not, order : past perfect tense)

46) We had gone shopping when they came home. Is the sentence correct for past perfect tense?

47) When I arrived to the classroom, the teacher _______ (start) the lesson already. (past perfect tense)

48) The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we ______ (build). (past perfect tense)

49) He ______ (not, be) to Cape Town before 1997. (past perfect tense)

50) My brother ate all of the cake my mum _______ . (make : past perfect tense)